Fuzzy New Year

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

LB left this morning, in a flurry of collected shoes and hastily-packed bags. It was like watching a hurricane in reverse, like when you hit < on the remote and watch cars being put neatly back in place and houses undemolishing themselves.

We might catch up with her next week in the Bay of Plenty. We shall see.

Joshua came around in the evening. I made a big roast dinner even though it is effing hot. I cannot help myself. I am a victim of programming. So we had a roast lamb with roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings and gravy and everything.

Also, because tradition demands it, the Big Action Filum went on. "Lethal Weapon" followed by "Under Siege". We were having a whole Gary Busey evening. This was accompanied by a couple of bottles of wine and some whisky. It was errrr "convivial". 

So that is how the three of us saw in the New Year. Not big or spectacular or meaningful. But I thought of you all, and I wondered how the new year would find you and I wished I could be with you.

Maybe that is a little bit meaningful, after all.


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