Golden Gorse

When I can't sleep, I choose a category and go through the alphabet thinking of something for each letter. As I frequently experience insomnia, I soon run out of categories. (All the usual candidates, boys' and girls' names, towns, animals, games, and so on, become too easy and repetitive.) So last night, finding myself wide awake between about 2.30 and 4.30, I came up with the idea of making the colour yellow my category. I allowed myself to include gold and sandy shades as well as pure yellow, and eventually fell asleep at V... . Gorse was my G.

As I have two remaining Extras available before tonight's year's end, I'm using them up to blip my new Christmas prezzie jigsaw. It's slow going but very enjoyable - quite absorbing, and - ahead of Twelfth Night - one of my favourite Christmas cards, as designed by my great-niece. I like the way she added a twist to the string of colourful fairylights.

I think this year we may just let in 2019 quietly with books and crosswords in bed. The old year has not been the best, and with Mr PP's sister facing another operation in ten days' time, we're hoping that the new year will improve with age.

Thanks for all your kind visits to my journal and for sharing yours. Wishing all blipmates a happy and healthy new year. x

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