The seals are here...

Had a lovely morning down in Baddeck.   One of my treats is to go to Tim Horton's, get their breakfast wrap and coffee, head down to the waters edge and have breakfast and watch the water.   Bumped into a good friend with her adorable puppy, Maple, and we had a little visit, but it was bitterly cold.....then to do the shopping!   A lovely bottle of bubbly, some fresh scallops and broccoli for our  little New Years supper, just the 2 of us, nice and quiet and i can't promise i'll make it to the stroke of midnight, but i'll try!

So this is a wrap for 2018....what a year it has been for me, i don't think i've ever had such health issues like this past year.....but i'm very grateful to be heading into the new year in a pretty good state, physically!    I'm optimistic ..... and i send out good cheer and love to all my blip mates far and wide!

Happy New Year!!!

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