Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Birch Bark

I love the colours on the bark of Himalayan Birch trees and the way that the bark peels. It looks as if somebody has tied this piece of peeling bark into a knot.

This may be my last blip for a while. I have decided to not spend so much time on bipfoto in 2019. There are several other projects which I have neglected recently because of the pressure to make a new photograph every day. I won't be leaving completely and will post when I feel I have something I particularly want to share with the blip community.

Thank you for all who have commented over the past 4½ years and sprinkled stars and a few hearts on my images. I know I will keep in touch with some of you on Facebook and if any blippers who are not already 'friends' wish to send me a friend request that would be great. My name is Paula Davies and my avatar is the same as here on Blipfoto.

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