A Beautiful Morning....

....below freezing, but beautiful! I saw last night that it was supposed to be sunny today, so Tom & I got up extra early to drive downtown along the Lakefront to see if any of the trees or bushes had refrozen, and they had. Beautiful ice sculptures all along the edge of the water, which gives me a chance to use up some more of my extras!!  As I was taking pictures, a car pulled up and a man with a camera got out. He was a really nice man & in spite of the bitter cold, we had a great time talking about photography, & about all the ice. He introduced himself and showed me his press ID. He's a photographer for the city newspaper and said he was out looking for "human interest" photos the paper might like to use, and asked if he could take a few pictures of me taking photos of the ice along the shoreline, with some of the ice behind me, so I said sure. I figured no one would recognize me anyway, as I was bundled up in about 4 layers, plus ear muffs and a scarf, so what the heck. He said he'd email me one of the photos, which was nice. (Tom was laughing because he said if he hadn't forgotten his phone he'd have taken a picture of the guy taking a picture of me taking a picture of the ice.)  :)) 
Now back home waiting for Tom's two sisters who are on their way over for a visit. I think they'll be really surprised at how well he's looking, as he's put back on some of the weight he'd lost, and has had so much more energy! All good! :)))   

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