When we went to bed last night, we went thinking that we were getting up and heading into Toronto for a day of fun...instead, we woke up to some fresh snow and no sun. To my delight, my daughter suggested we go back to the woods :))
The highlight of our walk was talking photos of my daughter as she entered a very dark part of the woods with the snow falling softly around her. When she turned to keep walking, I turned my head and looked to the woods beside me and saw a huge owl sitting on the limb of a bare tree. Picture perfect. It blinked, looked down and flew for lower brush. I am guessing it saw dinner...all I saw was my blip flying away! I spent the next 20 mins annoyed with myself for not being quicker to take a shot as soon as I saw it. Just simply wasn't expecting to see that, so did not have my camera up. Ah well...next time!!
In the extras, are a picture of my daughter with the very willing chickadees and this lovely White-throated Sparrow. Neither is very sharp, but both are worthy in their own special way to me ; ) Sometimes it is simply the moment caught...
Oh, and my main blip? This lovely Cardinal had me hypnotized as she peeked between perfect framing at me. I thought her quite lovely!
Hoping you are all having a wonderful Sunday!
D x
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