Best Laid Plans ... and all that

Headed over to Oban on the ferry without R, left her feeling poorly under a duvet on the sofa.  The first two ferries were cancelled because of the weather and the 11am one was running at least 15 minutes late which was causing some anxiety for passengers and their relatives who needed to catch the train or coach to Glasgow for flights or other on going transport.  Some were quite elderly and not up to a sprint from the ferry terminal to the station/bus stop.  Ended up trying to help an older man who I thought was a relative of a friend, turned out he wasn't but hopefully with phone calls made by the ferry staff, he got his coach.  J made the ferry easily because of the delays and I took this photo on the deck as we approached Craignure.  Got home to find R a bit better and determined to get back to Glasgow - M drove her to the ferry and she did make it back, just about in one piece, though quite a bit later than intended.  And I took the dogs to Aros with J, it was nearly dark (have used my last extra of the year for a tree reflection photo).  Lovely to have J here and relieved R is ok.

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