LOTS! - But:-
It represented everybody's presents:-
Granma, Granda, Mam, Dad, 2 sprogs, Aunty, Uncle, "Grey Tuncle" = me; who, BTW, didn't do too badly. LA, up to her customary antics, sent a number of items, at least one of which will be tactfully "forgotten" - A floating Narwhal with hoops to allow a game of Hoopla in the bath. ;¬)
I shall, of course, be keeping the wee book on Craft beers, Star Wars puzzle book and Darth Vader bubble bath, more ;¬) . Not to mention the 1,000 piece Jig-saw of Disney logos.
The assorted sprogs produced a hamper of goodies ranging from shards of Norwegian chocolate, through dates, home-made jam & chutney, oatcakes & "Cushat" Pate, cheeses and an assortment of flavoured cooking oils. The whole topped by the Piece de resistance:-
A me-sized Christmas cake to Alice's recipe, bequeathed to Niece 2, Kat, (labelled #2 only by chronology) who, at least equals Aunty Alice's culinary skills. There were a range of post prandial brews; the most spectacular of which would again be due to Kat with her flower tea; which I've tried many times to get a shot of on every past visit to the Llama Karma Kafe on the A66. Or as we called it "Route 66".
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