From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

AAAARRRGGHH! I ballsed up the shopping!

I hate shopping of all descriptions. I really do. Years ago I used to go shopping after work and most of the time I'd be hungry and buy loads of things I fancied then and there, forget all the things I meant to get and wouldn't be able to use all the rubbish I'd bought before the use by date. I often forgot my list too (or I'd ignore it).

I am a creature of habit. Yeah, yeah, I know. Most of them are bad. Seriously now, I always have my shopping delivered by Tesco Man every Tuesday between 10am and 12am. It was nearly midday when I thought I'd better check and horror of horrors! I saw in my order emails that I'D GOT IT WRONG AND MY SHOPPING WAS DUE TOMORROW! WEDNESDAY!!!!

After a bit of a flap session, I rearranged my slot to Thursday which is when I'll next be home working. Phew! Crisis over. I went back to my Sys Admin calls until much later when I realised I had only one tiny, solitary spud for dinner. Starvation loomed and my poor tum growled. Of course I am exaggerating slightly. I could survive, especially with the shops close by tomorrow.

One of my Twitter pals suggested I phone out for a treat takeaway. Great idea! However, the pile of menus in the kitchen drawer with the telephone numbers was gone. Why? I'd sent all the menus to Barclaycard last week! Errrm...why? Those Barclaycard application form junk mail has been driving me wild for years so I like to stuff the postage paid reply envelopes with leaflets and menus I've received and send them off!

It keeps the post men in work, doesn't it? It serves Barclaycard right too. How dare they send me this 'get yourself in debt' rubbish!

Shame I sent off all those menus though...

Track? This a bit silly - Yes, we have no potatoes

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