
By Transitoire


Early start. Very early. I rolled out of bed to check my emails to see if I had to be in school at ridiculous o'clock...and success...I didn't have to be in until later which cued another very much needed hour of sleep. For the first time in a while I woke up not feeling tired. Finally catching up on sleep is a very satisfying feeling!

So my first class was the cinquième INTER, on my own. And again, I introduced them to the film. I think they will like it...eventually! At the moment, they are of an age that they think anything that is not an action film is for les enfants. Really hope they get over that soon, but I reckon as soon as they watch the film they will grow to love it! I already saw some of them trying to hide smiles and laughter when they watched the trailer and saw Wallace and Gromit...
Might have let them go ten minutes early because I misread my watch. Cue the Vie Scholaire thinking I'm a bit stupid/having to give me a lecture on classroom times. Oh well, can't have it all!

Straight after this was the troisième INTER in their histoire/geo class. Didn't really have to do much to be completely honest! I did notice the difference in discipline and noise level with a different teacher, more so than usual maybe. They're a lot quieter with me as well...but I guess that might be because I do some more interesting stuff than the development of British agriculture.

After a wander down to Caen Marina at lunchtime to take a photograph, I ultimately ended up taking photographs of is another one! I always forget that Caen has a Marina, which in its own way is just as beautiful as the one at Honfleur. Some may disagree, but I really do have a love for this little city. I'm always surprised at how beautiful it can be.

The class of troisième EURO was lovely as ever, although the debating topic certainly wasn't!

Parents should pay for the crimes of their children.

Difficult topic really. But as ever, they leapt on it with gusto and came up with some pretty good ideas! Although their English is not as good as the INTERs they really do try...and I keep being surprised by them.
My final class of the day was sixième INTER (yes, this is my longest day of the week, and yes, sometimes you really can feel it!) and again I was on my own with them. Now this was the class that I was certain would enjoy the film I had planned...and I wasn't wrong! With three students of English heritage, one American and two French French, I knew that the class would be a success. And it worked so well! At my final run through of this lesson, I finally felt like I'd got it and knew what I was doing. On to planning the next one now...

Finally, after school I met up with Thomas for coffee and a catch-up. Which turned into dinner. Which turned into meeting up with a lot of other Frenchies and going to Le Cargo for a free concert. On arrival to our delight a free concert also meant free nibbles (bread, cheese, rillettes, feta wrapped in ham...well you get the idea!). The band themselves were not actually bad at all, think Band of Horses-esque...although my one issue with them was that even though they sang in English, neither me nor Thomas could understand a word of what they were saying! Still good though, and a thoroughly enjoyable night. Was nice to spend time with French people who are not bilingual so speak mainly in French, but with Thomas there just in case I really didn't understand!

Words I learnt today:-
- Lendemain - tomorrow
- Surlendemain - the day after tomorrow
- Le jour suivant - the following day
- Goujat - ass/cad
- Grossier - boorish/crude

- Bourre - late
- Bourré - drunk
- Bourrer - to stuff/cram

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