Puppy love

This is Tilley. She's one of the 2 dogs who belong to my friends. They're away and I'm happy to give them extra exercise, only it's usually only Tango who accepts my offer.

Tilley's been going shy on me but this afternoon I'm her long lost friend so it's cuddles on the lawn. Jasper will need to deal with the smell of 2 dogs, eek!

Jasper has had a trying day. He was fed early because I was up early to take Jennie and Nick to catch the train to Blenheim. His request for a mid-morning snack was turned down.

I've loved the tomatoes into order removing laterals, any dodgy leaves and tying them up. Unlike this time last year the fruit has no colour.

Whereas the tomatoes and other veges were loved and nourished, I removed most if the shrubs at the back of the house and a couple if large grasses.

The latter were reluctant to leave and I'm feeling crooked. The chiropractor for hpx tomorrow.

As Jasper's back yard was changing his girlfriend Armalie paid a visit. She lied when she said she wouldn't go inside. When I discovered her and him inside Jasper looked very glum.

Armalie had dragged his toy box into the middle of the floor and had an array of his toys out. She tried to hide in his tunnel and when I shoed her out she attempted to take one of Jasper's knitted mice with her. The look on Jasper's face was priceless. He cuffed her as she ran past.

Today's gratitude: For finding a balance between doing and being. While a little sad because Jennie and Nick have gone, it's been a good day.

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