L'il Red is clever. He knows when hawks are around so he stays inside his hollowed out tree (same tree that incidentally had the nesting White-Breasted Nuthatches in it - perhaps they were using some of his fur to 'sweep' their entrance?). Regardless, it was fascinating to watch two Red-Tailed Hawks tumbling through the air in the woods. Perhaps juveniles?
What was hilarious was listening to the Blue Jay mimicking them! He does it often. I believe I even blipped him once as he does it to make all the other birds scatter then he swoops down to clean up on the nuts!
A little shopping today with my daughter, a little skyping, and a little relaxing (a.k.a lazing). My daughter has informed me this evening that she would like to go out to the woods with me next time. Wow...I am going to take her up on the offer before she changes her mind ; )
Take care everyone...
D x
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