The story so far...


Rudolph and rolling

Today was an up and down day. It started of with cam's 6 month weigh in. At a hefty 9.56kg (21lbs) mummy was advised to drop cam down to just 3 bottles a day and try and keep him content with purées and snacks and hydrated with water. With this new information in hand we headed over to our bumps and baby's cafe to enjoy some playtime and chit chat. At this point cam was non the wiser about not having his mid-morning bottle and gobbled down his lunch. Then the problems started! Trying to get water in to this kid via sippy cup is proving an impossible and frustrating challenge. He can use the cups just fine however as soon as he takes a sip of water he does a great water fountain impression (usually over mummy's face). After lots of tears from both of us we headed over to hartbeeps where baby land had had a wintery makeover. The mummies had lots of fun putting red noses and antlers on the babies (although don't think they enjoyed it as much and little Ben was really not impressed). Cam had lots of fun in class and trying to stop him from rolling on to his belly constantly was a challenge but exciting to see him mastering his new talent.
It was off home for dinner with proved the same challenge as lunch. We are quickly running out of options with this but as always I am sure we will figure it out eventually, I hope!

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