Moon Appears to Shine and Light The Sky...

That moment, when you send a text to your Daughter and say "Nite nite, you home safe?" and she says "I'm on the bus".

"Text me when you are back in your room".

It's twenty to twelve, at night and you're in bed and just about to fall asleep.

She texts ten minutes later and says "Mum, the bus driver told us the bus wasn't going any further and kicked us off".

You text back, "where are you".

She text back.... "where the roundabouts are".

You calculate.... she's about 3 miles from her flat, it's not the best area in the world, and it's gone midnight.

"how much money have you got?"


The texts go back and forward until you know that she has walked at least a mile and a half, and has sat down in a bus stop. We continue to text back and forward every couple of minutes; she's watching for hackney's and reading the night bus timetable.

Her dad is sleeping and snoring gently next to me, and I toddle to the bathroom to take the texts so as not to wake him. If he wakes, he will go frantic.

Suddenly her responses stop. You text her brother, you see him on line. You tell him where she is . "Shit" is the response.

Eventually after a delay of 10 minutes, a text comes in "Guess where I am".

At 0115, an hour and forty minutes after I said "night night", sleep becomes a possibility, I squeeze Si's hand and drift off, safe in the knowledge my baby is in bed.

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