Ludlow Castle

I drove over to Ludlow today to lend some support for one of my friends selling his photography prints on a stall at a Christmas market there. It was blooming cold tho so i hastily left him to it and went and holed myself up in Costa for a while with a cappucino and panini! I then had a wander round the town and purchased a Christmas decoration and a rustic candle holder ready for when i buy my next house, when i find it. (Off to view another one tomorrow!)
At the back of the town is the rather impressive castle which would be well worth an explore next time.
The only blot on the day was returning to the car to find a flat tyre, grrr. A quick call to green flag sorted it out without too much bother but now i'm home late so picked up a block of chocolate as a treat.....phew... and relax!!! :-)

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