Walking the plank?

Wednesday 26th December 2018

I had duck soup for breakfast today! That's because I managed to sleep in until 11.45am and by the time I had had a shower mum was ready for lunch. :-))

We went out to Golden Acre Park this afternoon for a walk around the lake. We also nipped in to the first hide in the nature reserve. I was sitting in the corner of the hide, looking out of the window opening when a squirrel popped its head around the corner and we were face to face. I'm not sure who got the biggest shock! 

There were lots of squirrels around but as it was mid-afternoon the light was dull and I couldn't get a fast enough shutter speed for a sharp shot. I liked this one as it looks as though he's thinking of walking the plank. 

We've spent all evening on 3D jigsaws. Three small ones - Big Ben, Eiffel Tower and Leaning Tower of Pisa; a large one of the Colosseum in Rome, which looks great but it was rather cheating as the pieces were numbered on the back so it was easy; and then one of the world, which has taken the most time and we're only part way, unfortunately we have all the sea left to do!  

A nice relaxing Boxing Day. 

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