Things happen in threes

Up at 7am and knew the heating hadn't come on. I put on my shoes and coat and went into the garage hoping no one was walking their dog this early. I Put more water in the boiler and the pressure went up and the heating came on. The engineer came out and couldn't find anything wrong but he's going to change a pipe as there is a bit of a leak and he's going to get to the bottom of why the pressure keeps dropping.
Not long after he left I heard a bang in the garage so I had a look but saw nothing wrong. I decided I would visit my brother John and sil Alison this afternoon. I went into the living room and noticed the Christmas tree wasn't lit and realised the electricity was off. I went into the garage yet again and looked at the fuse box I did flick a couple of switches and then realised I had no idea what I was doing. I decided to get some help from my neighbour James, who put it right. I took this photo so I would know what it should look like.
I had a lovely afternoon my nephews and their wives were there and my great niece Eve. When I got home the house was in darkness, it had happened again. I got my torch and yet again went into the garage and flicked the one switch that was down and hey presto it worked. I really hope and pray there are no more boiler or electric outages! I've had enough now.

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