Misty at Kergord

A calm say, but a lot of mist, and some showers.  Cleared up this evening. 

We had a great night of laughs last night, and up fairly early today.  Once the household was awake, and Madeline and big Brian arrived, peerie Brian made us all brunch.   Mam and dad left, heading to Unst this afternoon.  There was a dry spell in the afternoon, and got out with Sammy.  Leftovers from Christmas dinner for tea tonight.  I've opened up the pub tonight at 6pm.  It's been steady, but I'm only on for a few hours.  Off out with friends later.

This last few days has mostly been about eating, drinking and spending time with the family, so today a break was much needed, and more so was a right proper walk with Sammy and stretch the legs.  The mist was hanging over, but it remained dry.  A misty view up the Kergord valley, with the old farm house, Hoove, Weisdale. 

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