Old timer!

Laura and Jason brought Mum and Ray round for yet another Christmas dinner today, this time it was a joint of sirloin beef with all the trimmings.

Ray is slowly clearing out his flat at the moment and brought with him a gift to me of a Patina 29 and a Gossen Sixtry light meter.

The Patina 29 is a 120mm camera that was made by Braun in the mid 1900's.  The Gossen Sixtry is a combined light meter and colour finder.

Just a brief look at both of them makes you realise how easy we have it with today's DSLRs.  There are only 4 choices for the shutter speed and focusing is either below 3 metres or 3 metres to infinity!  The first major challenge however is to work out how to get the shutter release to work!

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