Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1523. A wealth of riches....

I opened a parcel all the way from Canada yesterday and this is what was inside it....a beautiful portrait of my old boy, Frodo Baggins using his best “treat face”.... a sight we had regularly throughout the day....thank you Paula for bringing my gorgeous boy to life....
The camera frame is perfect too and I’m sure there’ll be a family photo in it by the end of the week!
And as for the book ....well words fail me....it’s so beautifully put together both the words and the incredible photographs of these amazing girls....and a story to read to my grandchild, Arron who will love these images of the girls having fun all over Canada....
So thank you my dear friend for providing me with such joy....I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity....you are a beautiful soul and it’s an honour to know you....

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