Gitama's World

By Gitama

Northern Hemisphere Observes Antics..........

of those that live in the Southern One.
Christmas in Australia

Its cruel to see all those lovely images of antics and fun being had in the  snow........ burgeoning Christmas trees...folk dressed up in winter woolies red cheeked and laughing...I had to create an Australian Christmas image.

'The Beastie from colder climes just cannot believe his eyes...presents around the tree forgotten everybody rushing down to the water to cool off only to forget the  Chrissy dinner on the BBQ....OOOOPS!'

To be fair the temp has been very very civilized the last few grateful for that especially having Ma and Pa made for a fabulous couple of days except for that silly old girl falling down the step.
We drove them home was so nice to take the load of of Mum....and I have to say it wasn't that hard tugging the reigns of the Christmas stuff away from her....she enjoyed not having to do a thing.

All in all I think I will be sleeping very well tonight...still a few more visitors over the next couple of days and then I will have time to catch up.....and get some me time.

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