Lizzie's Big Adventure

When the Handsome Neighbor stops by I give him a few Greenies (kitty treats).  Today, the Geese scared him off so I put his treats inside on the table to give him later.  Lizzie spotted them and decided to get them for herself.   She actually stood up to get them off the table and my blip is proof that she can indeed do something besides sleep. 

She batted the Greenies down on the floor and one of them bounced under the table where she had to try and squeeze herself to get it. (See Extra)  Another just bounced behind her and she didn't see it so she ended up sitting on it as she looked around.  Eventually, she figured it out.  She must have decided it was too much work so she climbed up on the chair and onto the table where she finished off the last Greenie. (See Extra)

All in all, it was quite a workout but in the end, she was pretty proud of herself.

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