Dolly and Kiki under the tree

Merry Christmas from all at the Brisbane Street Zoo, I hope you all had a lovely day. We had breakfast and got some prep done for dinner in the morning before heading down to Lewis' mum's. We had a lovely time there with everyone, including singing along to baby shark with Sylvie and Eli. They were in usual Christmas overload, so much excitement when you're that age. Back to Matt and Vicky's with Sylvie for a bit, Sylvie made us all ice cream from her new ice cream cart. We popped out to visit Kiki as well, we wanted to say hi to her on Christmas, her holly is doing really well. Home to get the dinner on and chill, we just hung about in the kitchen whilst everything was cooking. Late dessert as we were so utterly full, I still fear I may explode even now. The bunnies were all happy with their Christmas dinner. They had chantenay carrots and sprouts after breakfast and some red kale in the afternoon. Believe it or not, they were still mooching round looking for more after all that, greedy buns.

Lewis and I wanted a quiet, low key Christmas this year, it's been a tough few months with everything that happened with Kiki. Although we said no presents, our very thoughtful families still got us some, which was lovely of them. This one in particular made me cry when I opened it, but in a happy way. My sister, Catriona, sent this picture of Kiki with a very lovely card saying although we'd said no presents, she thought we would appreciate this reminder of Kiki. I love it, Kiki always loved it when it snowed and this is a really good memory of her. My mum sent me the bunny holding a star, which is just perfect too. In fact My friend Peter commented on a video I posted yesterday that she was a wee star, and truly, she was. There hasn't been a day since Kiki left us that I haven't thought about her, I hope that's always the case as I don't ever want there to be a day I don't.

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