Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Perfect Christmas

I bloody well love Christmas! 

I started off by opening the absolutely massive pile of gifts I had (I've been thoroughly spoilt this year) then spent the rest of the day eating and watching lots of fun stuff on the TV. We made a turkey and sweet potato chilli with garlic fried sprouts and spring greens for dinner, which was completely delicious, and have watched A Muppets Christmas Carol (probably my second favourite Christmas movie, behind Elf), Christmas Bob's Burgers, Anatomy Park (the festive episode of Rick and Morty), a bunch of Seinfeld and even caught up on the latest Only Connect. I can't figure out why I like that show so much as I'm crap at the game itself and find the show a tad pretentious, but I'm addicted to it!

I know a lot of folks would consider this a fairly low key or even boring day, but I've loved every second of it. There's nothing I enjoy more than curling up on the sofa with Rich with a good movie, TV show or book. Ahhhhh....

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