These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Monroe Street Bridge!

Phew! It's been a whirlwind weekend! We went to a hockey game for Valentine's Day with just Tyler and he was thrilled to go on a date with the adults all by himself! I got a few shots from the hockey game, but nothing to write home about. I was too busy sharing popcorn and hot dogs with my little guy!

In fact, I packed my Canon, but never actually took any pictures with it. As such, I grabbed this picture from the car, while we were crossing the Maple Street Bridge. It looks at the Monroe Street Bridge, the Spokane River and downtown. Since I didn't have anything too exciting to post, thought people might enjoy a glimpse of good ol Spokane City!

Mia was less than thrilled about not joining us at the hockey game, but had a wonderful time with Papa Thomas and Hannah Marie!

We squeezed in a couple of games of pinnochle after the hockey game, even though we were all exhausted.

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