
By momcat1

Christmas Eve titmouse

It was a quiet morning at the feeders but the afternoon picked up with some surprise visitors ( see extras) . The titmouse has not been by too much recently though the number of chickadees has increased back up to the usual 4-5 flitting in and out. I was pleasantly surprised by two visiting white breasted nuthatches and the extra is our rare visitor: a red breasted nuthatch. These apparently like pine forests( and this is deciduous country here ) and there are only about 6 pine trees in the immediate vicinity spread over 3 yards!. But , he came , and it isn't even cold. So I have put him in extras even though I could not catch him on a tree , only in the feeder. 
In  a more routine vein- the turkey is stuffed and in the oven , the cauliflower is cut and ready to roast , the potatoes still need to be cut up ( I wonder if I can pawn that off on someone ????) and the chocolate pecan coconut tart is done. But I still have presents to wrap and miles to go ( to church ) before I sleep . ( apologies to Robert Frost).So I bid you all a Merry Christmas and hoe you have a wonderful day with your families and friends 

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