Whiteout Condition
Hubby and I were here at the house alone most of the day because our son's family left this morning and our daughter's family went up skiing at Timberline Lodge. They had fun....... BUT when they were ready to leave, the slopes were closed for the day....SO everyone had to leave....they were unable to leave the parking lot for 2 1/2 hours because the road down the hill was littered with wrecked cars. When they finally got all the cars towed, the parking lot cars were slowly allowed to leave, they were told they had to leave at least 3 car lengths between them and the car ahead of them on the way down the hill.....so they made it down safely. They were happy to get back here.....but they were starving. Good thing I had dinner ready. They were so grateful!! Nice.... We leave here in the morning....hopefully we can get down this side street hill without the chains!!
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