Lovely .....
.... Gift!
Not sure what I'll find when I open it but wrapped so beautifully it had to be my blip for today.
It's been such an enjoyable day ---
# Early church service church 1.
# Travelled to churchyard with tribute for my husbands memory, church 2.
# Afternoon of reading
# Evening at church 1. for service of Carols and nine lessons followed by mince pies and wine.
# Home with the friend who came to the carol service too , who was wild re the music and choir , which was soo good. Of course I couldn't send her home without cheese and biscuits chutney and more wine.
So even tho' the weather was dull wet with drizzle all day, it wasn't spoilt at all. Missed "A", but he had things to do ready for his journey to Birmingham tomorrow.
Grateful .... for the chance of hearing such great music
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