Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Sun on snow

Because the narrow country road from here to the village is like an ice-rink - too minor to be gritted, probably - I felt safer walking into Drymen to go to the dentist this morning. It was lovely and sunny, but freezing cold - fabulous!

After my appointment I walked up to the viewpoint in the gardens opposite the Buchanan Arms to see how the view has changed since we've had snow, and took umpteen photos, which I narrowed down to this one, looking west to Loch Lomond, and two others. I have added them to my blipfolio if you'd like to see them, in the Scenic Views 2 section.

The forecast is for more snow later this afternoon and evening, so I have cancelled plans to drive into Glasgow for a concert. I know I'm a wimp...

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