Gibbs Family Christmas

After quite a late night, I was still awake before 8. Everyone else was fast asleep. At about 8.30 I got up and read the paper downstairs. It is nice spending some time in my childhood home. It's a proper home. Lots of rooms, and lots of space, but still just a 3 bedroomed house. I really wish I had a house with more space. At about 8.30 I made tea and took it up to Jon and a cup to mum and dad. The kids were still asleep.

Once we were all up, and breakfasted, I spent The Archer's omnibus in the kitchen. I haven't heard any for a week or so, so needed to catch up. Then we packed up and drove round the corner to Jenny's, to join the rest of the Gibbs clan for our family Christmas together.

We managed to get everyone together, which is challenging as the family grows. Especially as several work in retail. Once again it has been a day of eating, drinking and playing games. I took a few photos with my proper camera and after dinner a group of us drove up to Jim's Wood. It was nice to have a brief catch up with Liz as she kindly allowed us all to park on her drive, close to the wood.

It was a light drizzle, and getting dull, but we went to the centre of the wood where there is a particularly large oak tree. There, Jon scattered the last of Jim's ashes in a circle around the tree as we all watched on. It was poignant. Still and silent, apart from the two dogs who chased joyfully around our feet. After a moment of individual reflection, I took some photos and we moved off, back to the cars and home.

We are finishing the day with Trivial Pursuits. I'm doing about as well as I did in yesterday's game (that's not very!) Then we have the 3 hour drive home...well, Jon does.

These weekends remind me how quickly time passes, and that we have to make the most of the times we have together. Christmas is going to be a difficult time for some of the family. Looking forward, without forgetting the past, and taking each day as it comes.

I'd better get back to the game....

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