In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Happy New Year 2012!!

Yeah, that's right. 2012.

These would be the personalised new year cards I made last year, got around to writing, but never got round to posting.

I was running around mental as Mum and Fi were over and we went to Tokyo and Kyushu ( let's not remember too much about the Tokyo trip!) so it just never happened.

I've been going to post them anyway, since I spent money having them printed, but this year has been so fast that I suddenly find it is December again, and I haven't ordered this year's but find myself unable to send last year's as the messages are all written about last year quite clearly.

If they had the stamps on I might have done the foreign ones anyway, but as it is, it may be store bought ones for the first time...

Oh well, just thought I'd leave proof that I did actually make them . Not sure it's better to make and not send, or not to bother at all, but if it truly is the thought that counts....

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