Balta Light Official Opening

A fine calm day, some clouds and some good sunny spells.  A cold chilly night tonight.

A long lie this morning, but I finally got going after breakfast.  Popped along Julie and family around lunchtime.  Been to the pub opening this afternoon.  A fine walk around Baltasound this evening, and then off out with friends.

The official opening of the new Unst pub was this afternoon.  The Balta Light has arrived.  About 84 folk turned out for the ribbon cutting, along with a few drams.  Tonight it's live music from three local bands, including my sister and dad's band.  The pub was formerly a Masonic lodge.  They've done most work inside, just the outside to do next year.  Here's the proud new owners, Leslie Stickle, Desley Stickle and Frank Sinclair.  The Balta Light, Baltasound, Unst. 

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