When Santa couldn't . . . . .

. . . . .get down the Chimney

I braved Tesco this morning early - 8.30 - it was manic - Christmas is until Tuesday  - would it have been quieter if I had gone later? who know - anyway I am done what ain't got is not going to be got!
Put the shopping away and KG went for this walk he is gradually upping his outing.   Decided to make the stuffing and have put it in the freezer so all ready to take with me on Christmas day - just got the sausage rolls to make now and will probably do them on Monday prior to be picked up.  
Silly Saturday today and thanks to Admirer for hosting this fun challenge.  I decided after much thought to do a take on when Santa got stuck up the chimney only he couldn't get down.!!   He probably was  surprised to see all those flames but doesn't look too perturbed.  Question is will he wait for the flames to subside or will those silly people miss out on Santa's  Gifts?   My guess it that he has so many gifts to deliver (but have we seen how many Santa's there are) he will come back if he has time.  Actually the Santas probably have got areas that they go to and must have a Santa Manager   Now that is a silly thought 
Happy Saturday blippers.

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