
A busy afternoon at H's.  Apart from the two Shetlands, her ponies are all rugged and are out for some part of every day.  With the weather being so bad, the ponies had all been in their stables for a longer than usual so there was lots of mucking out and refilling of hay nets etc.  

There is still plenty of grass up in the top fields, so to make it more straightforward for H to let the ponies in and out on her own, we moved round gates and hurdles with the big tractor.  Our combined weight is 15 stone, so we need the heft of a big beast!

Due to the weather and all the festive goings on,  the children who come and ride hadn't been this week, so H and I rode three ponies each to give them a bit of exercise.  Great fun - especially with this little one, Sprite, who although being a good age, is very lively and a great very keen jumper too!  

I rode and spent time with Nimbus too.  She has been with me even longer than Ollie and so is an important part of my life, although technically not mine anymore.

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