'And What Can....
.... I get you Madame?'
She was pretending she was running an ice-cream shop. I ordered a strawberry cone, then a chocolate and lastly a vanilla one.
The girls arrived about 7.45 am. After breakfast, and a short play, we went out for a walk.
We set off on our favourite walk, only to find it blocked by a fallen tree. We detoured off to the play park only to find that was also blocked by a fallen tree. A lot of debris everywhere, from the storm last night. We tried a 3rd route, and managed to walk without too many problems. Mia fell asleep, and that's when we went to the park near my house.
We got home and did some craft, but Mia woke up earlier than we hoped.
It has been hot and humid today, and I think Mia has some big teeth coming through, as she's been very unsettled.
Eventually after lunch, where they both scoffed down platefuls of cheesy pasta, we got the pool out.
They sat in it quite happily cooling down and eating icy poles.
Another storm is rumbling around as I'm typing this. We've had lashings of rain too.
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