
By TBay

The tree.

This is the family tree full of decorations that come out every year! Many were made by the little Tbays and others we have bought on our travels. It is always rather nostalgic when decoration this one as most of the baubles have special meanings.

Farming - Two on compost hauling. Not much other action at the moment.

Today a very brave Mr Tbay volunteered to accompany me on out Christmas food shop. This is not for the faint hearted! I think we both nearly lost the will to love at one point but we now have everything we need and probably a few items we don’t actually need!

I often feel rather quilty at grumbling about the chore of shopping. I am lucky enough to have food laden supermarkets with every conceivable food available and I can afford to buy the ingredients for a Christmas dinner. A twinge of quilt often worms it’s self into my mind at this time of year for those who are not able to do as I have done today. I am very blessed in so many ways and am very thankful for this.

I do believe that I am pretty much on target and almost (I did say almost!) ready for Christmas. Phew!

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