Leader for the Greens
So tonight was my (Chris) first as a run leader at the running club. On the alternate Monday's when we have a straight run, we have 60-100 runners and we split into 5 groups with increasing ability (speed and distance). Tonight I led the 'green' group, 9 minute mile pace, 5.25 miles. Part of the job is planning a route, the rest is leading the run and with a leader also running at the back of the group to pick up anyone struggling. It was quite a challenge, I'm so used to running with the pace set by a leader but it was really enjoyable and despite the temperatures falling to 2°C (and me consequently donning a hat for the first time this year hence the blip) ,we got the whole group round without incident. Phew! It will get easier now, next Monday is an "efforts" night.
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