Carol Singers!

It just wouldn’t be Christmas without a visit from our local Young Farmers to give a rendition of a few favourite carols in return for a can or two of Thatchers Cider and hot sausage rolls and mince pies! Despite the very unpleasant weather a few brave souls turned up ! Much fun and laughter was had!

A manic days work today but at long last the house is now tidy, the presents are all wrapped and I have now started cooking things I can freeze. Beds have all been changed in preparation for Christmas guests. My last big job is to ice my Christmas cakes. That’s for the morning!

Farming - Much frustration for the boys as the operative who loads the compost into their trailers has hit an all time level of extreme slowness. This is not only annoying but costly for us. Rusty was on hauling Silage panels for a customer.

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