
By TBay

Meeting Elsa.

Today Sue and I took the little Tbays to our local garden centre to enjoy the Christmas decorations and singing reindeer! We, and most of the population of Weston also headed for the garden centre mainly as it was a disgusting wet miserable day. Much hilarity watching the two children explore the animal section followed by soft play and then the decoration section! Sadly the singing reindeer were silent as there was a brass band playing carols instead. Little Miss went all shy when she met her favourite Disney Character Elsa. Despite our best efforts she was unable to get any word out. Very unusual!!

After a good session there we headed for another garden centre just a few hundred yard from the farm to have a lovely home cooked lunch . Then it was home again for a nap.

Mrs Tbay Jnr was working today and The Mr Tbays plus Mrs V all went shooting. They returned very very wet indeed. Not the best of days to go shooting but they enjoyed it despite the hideous weather!

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