Waiting, waiting

Off to London for an evening meeting followed  by Christmas dinner. 

The meeting was worryingly short - 45 minutes - normally they are at least 2 hours.  I think it was the dinner afterwards that focused the minds that are frequently very petty.  Dinner was very good and thankfully I was sat next to two very nice people.  As the only female who attends these meetings (me and 22 men, most of whom think they are right, about everything), it's always a bit of an odd dynamic. 

Missed my train home by 2 minutes, so had to wait for the slow train.  It didn't seem to drag too badly.  Arrived at the station gone 11pm - the ever optimistic taxi's were waiting to pick people up. I'm always utterly amazed that they make any money as I rarely see anyone take a taxi.  

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