Light At The End Of The Tunnel

To compensate for yesterday's washout, my playing partner Phil & I fitted in a round this morning.

As regular readers will know, I've been suffering the last couple of years with "the takeaway swing yips", an inability to swing the golf club back in order to hit the ball which has got really bad again the last few months. Last week it had got so frustrating, I felt like giving up completely but I googled the problem and found a video clip where a pro discussed the causes and offered a few tips for solving it.

Anyway, I tried them out this morning and, lo and behold, there came a bright light in the east and they worked. I suddenly was able to take the club back straight away and, after a few initial mis hits, I began too hit the ball well again and played the back 9 in my lowest score for ages. Hopefully it isn't just a flash in the pan

This afternoon, we got the majority of the food shopping done for Christmas and tonight we broke the back of the pressie wrapping so we're feeling very virtuous / smug.

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