Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


It's cold outside! Really cold. When I took my morning walk I had 4 layers on to keep warm. I also had my camera with me, sun was shining, frost and snow on the ground, lovely (but cold) morning. I love frosty trees! This one stood out a bit, sunshine making it glimmer.
Since I've not been out on my walk for a week I was really pleased to se that the path I usually take was now a path in the snow. Many people walk there, but not when I'm out... And the path in the woods was cleared from snow also, no plodding through snow, just a nice walk. :)
Rest of the day was not so fun... I had a meeting with my job coach and my contact on the employment agency and there will be no more time for me with my job coach, the contract is ending on thursday and there's nothing more to do. I don't know what will happen next. Perhaps there will be a solution of some sort. Oh, well, who knows what the new year will bring?

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