One Night in December

Arse, just wrote a load of stuff and lost it. This is the second, less well crafted version.

Beach much colder and grimmer today. These men were fascinating, exRAF, they spend large amounts of time piecing together the events that resulted in a Lancaster bomber crashing into the sea at the end of our road with loss of 7 men in Dec 1944, only one body and a bit of the plane was ever recovered. They have a Facebook page and podcasts and everything (all called one night in December, podcasts look a little technical tbh). We had a nice chat and they asked me to let them know if I ever found a bit of a bomber. I promised them I would.

Work exploded a little and needed dampening down. And I have bought Jay a fancy new hoover for his Christmas present. It’s a blinking marvel.

Oh and I booked a table for a very exciting outing with my mum on Saturday. “Are you the Philippa who comes here all the time?”
Turns out I was.

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