Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Woodland Folk

are having their bookclub hour.

The mammy is inside sweeping up the needles from the Christmas tree. She wishes they would give her a hand - but once they get stuck into their books, you may as well be talking to the wall.

On the left is her darling husband Miles Mouse (called after that great jazzman) and beside him is their son Marcus Aurelius Mouse (called after that great emperor) and on the right is her good neighbour Penelope Pig (called after Lady Penelope in Thunderbirds). Mammy has the kettle on to make some coffee for the bookclub. They all enjoy a rich roasted Java coffee as does Mammy’s other neighbour Gina (called after that Italian actress) but sadly Gina was off swimming down by the river and would miss bookclub. Mammy would keep the coffee pot simmering on the stove when Gina came to visit after her swim - she will be shivering and her hair will be a mess because she will yet again have forgotten her hairbrush.

They live in a woodland and they are very contented to shop and hunt locally. But Mammy heard on the grapevine that a new shopping mall is opening up beyond birch copse and that sounds like a great thing - she will have to check it out (this is a new phrase her son has taught her).

Mammy please oh please don’t go beyond birch copse. They have everything you need at the corner shop - honest!

OMG don’t you just love dollshouses. I bought this one to give to my neighbour’s 5 year old and I am having great fun playing with it

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