Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

At last!


JR went to one of her gym fitness sessions - she hasn’t been for a couple of weeks due to her bout of lurgy. Trouble is, it's quite early, and Archie then sits at my bedside and barks and growls and brings toys to me, so I have to get up too!

A super sunny day, I took Archie up the hill while JR slaved away and made lots of tasty nibbles for our afternoon visitors. It was gorgeous up the hill - still and sunny. I even had my hat off for a while. This is Archie on alert, as I said, excitedly, 'Where's the doggy?' and he scans the horizon at every compass point until he spots the doggy.

In the afternoon, three ex-colleagues popped in for drinkies and nibbles. Two of them didn’t know the third one was coming (we haven’t seen her for years) so there was great excitement when she arrived. Actually, it was really weird. Archie did his usual barking when the first two arrived. But when the third one arrived, what did he do? He jumped up on the sofa beside her and snuggled in on her lap and sat there all evening!!! We have never seen that before. He's normally so stand-offish with new folk, just sits and stares glares at them all evening. We had a fun evening catching up. I am SO glad I’m retired. Teaching is such a tough job.

At last! We've got the quote from our preferred builder. I wrote a slightly narky email this morning, urging him to get his finger out send us the promised updated quote as soon as possible so that we can inform everybody else and not wait any longer. The updated quote arrived this evening. Phew. It'll be all go in January.

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