Snail mode!

Last night Ann said, 'Molly, how do you fancy going on a big long walk tomorrow? We will take the train to Kirkcaldy and then walk along the Fife coastal path to Aberdour, pop in and see my friend, Iain, and then get the train home.'

That sounded like a good plan to me.

But do you know what happened this morning?.......................... I went out for my morning drag around the block walk and I was walking slower than a baby snail that hadn't learnt to walk. Ann's words not mine. After I'd had my breakfast Ann said, 'Molly, I don't think you're up for going on a big long walk today. I'd hate to start the walk and it be too hard for you. You can just have snooze time today and have little walks.'

I've enjoyed my snooze time but my little walks have all been on my lead. Boohoo.

I don't like having all of my walks on my lead!

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