A wild whalechase

A morning visit to Bantry to go to the bank. I brought the paper and just gasped - the most amazing photo was on the front - an enormous whale leaping out of the water behind a boat full of whalewatchers - all looking the other way! Annieone had alerted me a few days to the fact that there were whales off the coast of Baltimore and weather or other things had stopped me from going but this image - and I was off. Apparently 5 huge fin whales had been cavorting accompanied by a minke whale, a sperm whale and loads of dolphins. Baltimore is the site of Lot's Wife and thats where I headed. Not a glimmer of a whale and I was high up with huge views, though there were marvels. Just about everything was going on in the sky. Ah well, maybe next time.
PS I waited ages for this seagull to go by !

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