Innvitation to celebrate ......
..... two birthdays!
We had a lovely roast lamb lunch , prepared by the Rev, to firstly celebrate K's birthday of last Friday . It was great for the family to be together and secondly to celebrate James's birthday of next week. We have known J for 20 years ( how time flies!!) KJD and The Rev used to look after him on weekend respite care and they are still very much in touch with him . He is such a credit to his grandparents who looked after him, he's so polite , quiet and unassuming .
It's the third Sunday in Advent , gosh where did that year go?
A dry Sunday but still cold, tho' the " country weatherman" says its not going to be as bad as the forecasters have told us!! According to him we're not going to have much rain until March, but I guess we'll see.
Hope you've all had a good weekend folks.
Grateful ..... for such a caring family
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