The next stage

By MySisterCissie

A bird walk this morning. I was half thinking of missing it, as it was still windy & wet when I got up. But I decided to brave it, partly because I thought they would probably see something really good if I missed it. And I wasn't wrong. The weather wasn't nice, a lot of the time we were standing in rain, with no shelter, although it wasn't windy...but a longheld ambition, to see an otter, was achieved today.

We saw it swimming and diving in the sea, then coming ashore and grooming, then going back out in the water. After our lunchbreak, which included mulled juice & warmed mince pies, we saw it again in the sea.

So well worth four hours in the cold, & rain, for a good 15 minutes watching an otter :)

No photos of the otter, but some harbour seals instead. The rain severely hindered me today, & the camera was in my rucksack most of the day.

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