Christmas Fair
Meet T. the wild boar, spotted on the Christmas fair in Erbach.
What a lovely day we had. We started with a lazy morning without any alarm.
Than I drove with T. to Erbach to the Christmas celebration of T.'s youth group. It as really nice to catch up with the parents of our special kids. Most of them I know for a long time. There are lots of troubles around.
Life seems always to be a challenge...
"Unter jedem Dach ein Weh und Ach"
(That would be translated as "Under each roof a pain and ahem")
We joined a group of dear friends and added a visit to the Christmas fair in Erbach. We had a lot of fun :-)
That's the way advent should be :-)
I really loved the giant Christmas crib in the middle of the market , which I like to show you in the extra.
The special effect were the words at their backsides.
They showed the real meaning of Christmas:
Josef: belief, Mary: trust, donkey: faith, ox: strength,
shepherd: arrival, sheep: curiosity, angel: message,
holy kings: search, present and wisdom, and the camel for frugality.
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